FY24-25 Challenge Unsheltered Grant RFP

The Florida State Office on Homelessness, through the Department of Children and Families (DCF), has allocated funds to FL-508 to address unsheltered homelessness and public camping. This funding is primarily designated for supporting new shelter capacity. The CoC Leadership Council voted in favor of issuing an RFP for this funding. We have implemented a shortened application process for existing CoC sub recipients. 


Key Dates & Information


September 13, 2024

RFP Published online.


September 20, 2024, 5PM EST

Letter of Intent (LOI) due to TaskForce. Email LOI to info@keystohome.org. Specify amount(s) and project activities. 


September 26, 2024 at 2:00PM EST

Mandatory proposal meeting. 

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 264 322 439 817
Passcode: pxuZu8


October 4, 2024

RFP Applications are due online. Applications must be submitted through the online application here


October 11, 2024

Rank & Review will finalize scores. 


October 14, 2024

All project applicants will be notified via email of project acceptance/rejection and ranking.


October 15, 2024

Eligible appeals due via email to info@keystohome.org.


October 25, 2024

Estimated notice of funding decisions.

General Information

Challenge Unsheltered funding is available to FL-508 (Alachua, Bradford, Gilchrist, Levy and Putnam Counties) to address unsheltered homelessness. This funding is targeted to support new shelter capacity, with a focus on directly reducing the number of individuals and families experiencing unsheltered homelessness within the FL-508 Continuum of Care (CoC). The total available award for this initiative is $291,472.25, which will be used to fund eligible activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. As this is a single-term grant, there is no guarantee that Challenge Unsheltered funding will be available beyond June 30, 2025. Project applicants may only submit one application per organization.

Eligible Activities

The CoC Leadership Council determined that Challenge Unsheltered funding can be utilized for the following activities:

  • Emergency Shelters/Housing: Operating costs, staff costs, construction, improvements, and supply costs.
  • Transitional Shelters/Housing: Operating costs, staff costs, construction, improvements, and supply costs.
  • Non-Congregate Shelters/Housing: Hotel/motel costs and housing-focused case management staff costs.

Funding Details

  • Total Amount Available: $291,472.25 (tentative)
  • Match Requirement: A 25% match is required.

Cone of Silence Policy


TaskForce employees, quality raters, and the CoC’s Leadership Council are bound by a Cone of Silence pursuant to the Collaborative Applicant’s organizational policy on procurement. The “cone of silence” refers to a period during which communication is restricted to prevent undue influence or bias in the procurement process. “Advertised meetings” refers to meetings that are posted on this specific webpage with no less than three days notice. 


The Cone of Silence begins on the date and time a RFP or NOFO is advertised by TaskForce. The Cone of Silence is terminated at the time when the CoC Director issues a written recommendation to the CoC Leadership Council.


Prohibited Communications: During this period, no communication regarding an RFP, NOFO or the procurement process should occur between potential applicants and anyone involved in the application, evaluation and decision-making process, except for advertised meetings and as specifically provided in the RFP or NOFO. No person should ask any party restricted by this policy to deviate from the requirements set forth herein.

Permitted Communications: Questions regarding the RFP can be submitted in writing to info@keystohome.org at any time. All responses will be shared on this website.

Public Questions and Responses 

Q: I work [in] St Johns County. I was wondering if we are eligible for this grant to fund our support of local housing-first initiatives. We do not provide direct services ourselves, but we act as funding intermediaries for local partners. Thank you for your consideration!

A: Eligible activities must be performed in Alachua, Bradford, Gilchrist, Levy and/or Putnam Counties. Activities in St Johns County are not eligible in our RFP. You may consider checking with your local CoC.

Q: Is there a PDF or Word doc available of the full application for this funding opportunity? I prefer to create a document I can copy and paste from to enter into the application. This assists with editing and proofing the application before it is submitted.

A: There is not a word document or PDF application form. The application tool for this RFP is stored on Microsoft. Applicants should feel free to access and navigate the application through the link provided in the RFP. You will also be able to screenshot the application questions if needed.

Q: Our projected cost for Shelter bed expansion includes fixed costs (staff salaries) and unfixed costs (construction improvements because of supply costs like door, locks, paint, wood, etc.); purchase of beds, linens and dressers) based on prices in September 2024. If the expense for unfixed costs increases or decreases in November, can we do a budget revision for grant and match funds to reallocate funds between eligible costs to other budget line items as long as the total project costs remains intact? I believe, and I could be wrong, budget revisions 10% or less do not require a budget revision?

A: Please do not submit a budget that is not believed to be the final budget. We encourage you to consider all expenses and contributing factors for the entire project period when determining your budget.

RFP Priorities

Specifically, the CoC is seeking projects that focus on:

  • EReducing unsheltered homelessness
  • ECreating increased shelter bed capacity
  • EUsing a Housing First approach
  • EPartnering with housing, health, and service agencies
  • EReducing shelter length of stay
  • EEnding homelessness for all persons
  • EImproving system performance
  • EEngaging persons with Lived Experience