Alachua County Homeless Resources

According to our latest Point In Time Survey, completed in January, there were 571 homeless people in Alachua County. There were 318 homeless people on the streets and 253 in shelters.

According to United Way of Florida’s ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, but Employed) Report, last conducted in 2015, Alachua County had 259,964 people and 96,427 households. The median household income was $47,895, while the state’s average was $49,426. There were 44,453 households living below the ALICE threshold, which is $11,770 for a single adult, and $24,250 for two adults, one infant and one preschooler.

Looking for Help? We’re Working to End Homelessness in Alachua County.

If you live in Alachua County and you are experiencing hunger or homelessness, we’re here to help. Please explore the following list of community resources and service providers to learn about services available to you.

You can also find information about homeless service providers in Alachua County through the free, confidential resource referral line offered through United Way of North Central Florida. Simply dial 2-1-1 or (352) 332-4636 to connect with a 211 operator. Services are available 24/7 and in multiple languages.

Request Assistance

Guides to resources and services


Alachua Street Card

Offers important legal, housing, and meal information to homeless persons and provides a list of other services available.

Points of Entry


GRACE Marketplace

Call: (352) 792-0800, ext. 109

3055 NE 28th Dr., Gainesville, FL, 32609


St. Francis House

Call: (352) 378-9079

Address: 413 South Main St., Gainesville, FL 32601


Peaceful Paths

Call: (352) 377-8255


Neighborhood Housing & Development Corporation

Call: (352) 380-9119


Family Promise

Call: (352) 378-2030


Catholic Charities Gainesville

Call: (352) 372-0294


Meridian Healthcare

Call: (800) 330-5615, ext. 8360

1405 NW 13th Street, Suite E
Gainesville, FL, 32601

Sources for Food

Free meals for children 0 to 18: The Alachua County Food Services Program is providing free meals to any child between 0 to 18 years of age. Participating sites are providing free, nutritious breakfast and lunch. For a list of locations and to register, please visit



Abuse Hotline

Call: 1 (800) 962-2873
TDD: 1 (800) 453-5145

Report abuse of children and vulnerable adults


Alachua County Crisis Line

Call: (352) 264-6789

Free 24-hour telephone crisis intervention and counseling service; short-term crisis counseling


Rape Crisis Hotline

Call: (352) 264-6760 


Domestic Violence Hotline

Call: 1 (800) 500-1119


Information and Referrals

Dial: 2-1-1 or (352) 332-4636
Text: your zip code to 898211

Trained professionals available 24/7 to provide crisis counseling and referrals to health and human service programs that can meet a variety of needs including, but not limited to, food, housing, employment, health care, and more.